Improving the consultation process:

  1. In addition to asking how the government can save money, how about asking how the government can MAKE money? For example, aside from taxes, there are myriad fees or penalties which can be assessed at the federal level on those individuals whose negative behaviour erodes our society. Another example is the excellent piece by Jason Kirby in the July 25th Macleans, entitled “the Great White Tax Haven”. All levels of government should ramp up efforts to attract well-off immigrants because they create jobs and wealth. They should not fear any criticism about such selectivity.

  2. Supplement the process with a stratified sample telephone survey. This expands the idea pool from those with time on their hands to submit a written brief (usually special interest groups) to the man/woman on the street.

  3. Record all telephone comments. Publish them and ALL the written submissions (not just those the Committee likes).

  4. Publish them in the language of submission. There is no need to translate, and those who maintain otherwise are unrealistic and need to be challenged; this material is not input by any MP but by average Canadians who want to heard in their own language. Ttranslation is also an unaffordable expense which undermines the stated intent of the whole consultation exercise.

  5. Figure out how to identify and reward those whose ideas are considered worthwhile. Augment the reward for those whose ideas are implemented. The Excellence in the Public Service program is a starting point.